MSA Logos

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The most popular way to link to Matt's Script Archive is by using one of these small graphics. You can either download them and place them on your server (reccommended) or reference them on If you would like to create a logo for Matt's Script Archive, go AHEAD! And if you do, please send it to: Matt Wright.

It is recommended that you download these images (by clicking on the image you desire below) and then linking them from your site on your server. This will save the load on WWM and make Matt's Script Archive run much faster. Plus, if MSA is ever down for some reason, then your image will not appear as a broken icon, because your server will still be up.

This logo is 90 x 60 pixels and takes up a total of 6.8 KB. If you want to reference this image from your page and not download it to your server, place the following text in your HTML page:

<a href="">
<img src="" 

This logois only 1.8KB making it one of the fastest loading logos available. It will fit nicely on any page, as the background of the image is transparent. Thanks to TeeJay for creating this out of one of my main graphics! If you would like to link to MSA with this image, place the following text in your HTML source:

<a href="">
<img src="" 

The ever popular toothpaste bottle image at the left, inscribed with the words "Perl Scripts", is an all-time favorite. It is 90 x 60 pixels and 5.8KB. If you would like to link to MSA with this image, place the following text in your HTML source:

<a href="">
<img src="" 

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© 1995 - 1997 Matt's Script Archive, Inc.